AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam – materials



  • Sign up with AWS for the Free Tier account.
  • Practice! This is the most important part – configure basic services, check options, create networks, etc. Play around with AWS CLI, make CloudFormation stack…
  • You can also practice with Qwiklabs – there are some free AWS labs.
  • Never store your credentials on GitHub, you will be surprised how quickly cryptocurrency mining instances will show up :).


  • 65 questions, 130 minutes.
  • Multiple choice, multiple answers questions.
  • For me 130 minutes was just enough to answer all questions and review the uncertain ones. No much more time left though.
  • Expect scenario type questions, where you have to choose best suited AWS service, option in the service or architecture.
  • Exam is focused on core services but there are questions related to less common one, like Simple Workflow Service or OpsWorks.

Good luck!

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