Tag «aws on the road»
AWS on the road: S3 in Podgorica

Simple Storage Service (S3) is an object storage, one of the most used Amazon service. It allows to create buckets (logical containers) to store objects (files) with name (key), data, version ID and metadata. S3 is divided into classes: Standard – used for most uses cases, paid only for storage space. It automatically creates multiple …
AWS on the road: CloudWatch in Kotor

CloudWatch Recently I covered basics of CloudTrail, service that gathers logs from API calls to AWS, either done directly or indirectly via Management Console, CLI, etc. Now time has come to take a closer look at CloudWatch, monitoring system for AWS services and your application. CloudWatch features: Metrics collection Dashboards – customized graphical views from metrics …
AWS on the road: CloudTrail in Dubrovnik

CloudTrail CloudTrail allows you to log and monitor activity in your AWS infrastructure. Actions taken by a user, role, or an AWS service are recorded as events and can be done in the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface, and AWS SDKs and APIs. Logs can be stored in S3 bucket. Trails You can check …
AWS on the road: EC2 in Sibenik

EC2 Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) are virtual machines that you are probably use to in your datacenter. EC2 instances provide full, administrative access to operating system. You are also responsible for all maintenance like upgrading and patching. Nice option for testing is free tier – you can run t2.micro (1CPU, 1 GB of memory) EC2 instance …
AWS on the road: VPC in Plitvice Lakes

VPC Whole networking in AWS starts with VPC. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is actually a virtual network. It is logically separated from other virtual networks in the AWS and it is assigned to one Region. You can specify an IP address range for the VPC, add subnets, associate security groups, network access lists and configure routing …
AWS on the road: IAM in Ljubljana

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is crucial when starting to use AWS outside your private playground and want to give users rights to use services in your account. IAM is free of charge and all configuration is global, not tight to any specific Region. Identity sources IAM holds different types of identities: Root account – …
AWS on the road: Global Infrastructure in Bled

Regions and Availability Zones AWS has really mature and global infrastructure divided into Regions and Availability Zones. Region is AWS infrastructure located in one geographic location. AWS Regions provide close to each other datacenters/locations called Availability Zones (AZ) which are connected with fast, private fiber-optic networking. AZ are physically isolated so failure of one AZ …