Monthly archives: October, 2018

Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)

Amazon Elastic File System provides scalable, persistent file storage for use with EC2. One of the main difference between EBS and EFS is that EFS can be used by multiple EC2 instances at the same time (1 to 1000 from different AZ). It is accessible to operating system by Network File System version 4 protocol …

TOGAF 9: ADM Phase C – Information System Architectures

This is another post about TOGAF. Check other posts in the series. Objectives TOGAF divides Phase C into two, covering the development of the Data and Application Architectures. As with the B and D architecture development phases, the objectives are to develop the target information systems architecture for data and application and to identify candidate architecture roadmap …

TOGAF 9: ADM Phase B – Business Architecture

This is another post about TOGAF. Check other posts in the series. Objectives A key objective in the Business Architecture phase is to develop a Target Business Architecture that shows how the enterprise can achieve the Architecture Vision and address the Request for Architecture Work. Its second objective is to identify first candidate architecture roadmap components to …